
At Kan YaMa Kan Center, we continuously offer workshops designed to enhance both the theoretical and practical skills of our students and aspiring artists. Our theater workshops provide deep insights into the diverse schools of thought and performance. Methodologies in the world of theater. We also focus on practical applications, turning theoretical. Knowledge of live, high-quality performances that elevate participants' artistic abilities. For film enthusiasts, we deliver workshops that delve into the fundamentals of filmmaking, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience that bridges the gap between theory and practice.


We at Kan YaMa Kan Center always welcome partnerships with artistic institutions to exchange art, culture, and ideas. Our shared goal is to elevate the level of creativity in our community. These collaborations allow us to work hand in hand toward creating a better future for the arts.

One of our most recent collaborations was with the renowned "RA" Cinema Foundation. This fruitful partnership involved an exchange of expertise: Kan YaMa Kan Center provided a theater workshop for their team, and we benefited from their knowledge of filmmaking through a specialized workshop.

We are constantly striving to forge meaningful and impactful collaborations. Let’s work together to build a better, more vibrant artistic community.